RU: Носить цветы в волосах стало большим трендом. Они не только украшают простую прическу, но и делают весь образ ярким и весенним. Ведь не зря еще наши с вами бабушки плели венки из полевых цветов, надевали их на головы, и та девушка, у которой венок был краше всех, считалась самой перспективной невестой.
EN: Wearing flowers in your hair has become a big trend. Its not only decorate a simple hairstyle, but also make the whole look brighter and spring. It's no wonder, that our grandmothers wove a wreath of wild flowers, put them on the head, and the girl whose wreath was more beautiful, was considered a prospective bride.
EN: Wearing flowers in your hair has become a big trend. Its not only decorate a simple hairstyle, but also make the whole look brighter and spring. It's no wonder, that our grandmothers wove a wreath of wild flowers, put them on the head, and the girl whose wreath was more beautiful, was considered a prospective bride.